25 August 1877 • Elmira, N.Y.
(MS facsimile: Heritage Auctions online catalog, 24 September 2015, UCCL 13735)
Elmira, N.Y. Aug. 25.
Dr Sir:
I am sorry to say that I shall not be able to comply, such miscellaneous work as I may chance to do being al/lready promised elsewhere.1
Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes
This may be Clemens’s answer to the following request of 14 August from Bryan,
Brand and Company, which enclosed a printed announcement of their forthcoming
publication. Clemens wrote “Impertinent” on the envelope (CU-MARK): The “plate used by G W Carlton & Co” was an engraving of a photograph taken by
George G. Rockwood of New York City, of unknown date. It was published in the
February 1876 issue of Record of the Year (1:225).
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