[[unknown amount of text missing]]
[Well], Sweetheart, I am full of business today, on the Slote-scrapbook matter; it is coming along pretty promisingly. In fact, if that firm do not go back on the verbal agreement just this moment entered into with me in the presence of Webster [&] my lawyer, we shall close that old sore up Monday morning with a new contract which will give me my rights. That is to say, they have this morning agreed to
[Pay] me royalty on the [“Art”] Scrapbooks from the
[Pay] all my lawyers’ bills [&] other expense growing out of my
attempts to reconstruct the Scrapbook contract.
[And], from this day henceforth [&] forever they will pay over to me
one-third of the profits on each [&] every Scrapbook sold by
[It’s] a fine stroke of business [&] worth coming to New York for, although it does not give me all my rights. Still, it is a great deal better than I came down prepared for; I did not hope or expect to get a future third of the profits; but a cracking steam-radiator woke me at dawn this morning, [&] at once my anger sought an object to wreak itself upon. My thoughts fell upon the Scrapbook swindle [&] at the end of an hour I was in a fine rage. As a result I went to the appointed conference determined to require a third of the profits [&] allow nothing to turn me from that decision. And so I stood through all argument, being supported by the irritation engendered by that confounded [radiator.]
[unknown amount of text missing]
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Originally owned by Clara Clemens Samossoud. Present location unknown.
Emendations and textual notes:
[unknown amount of text missing] • [probably here only the dateline has been omitted in Clara’s transcription]
Well • “Well
& • and
Pay • “Pay
“Art” • ‘Art’
Pay • “Pay
& • and
And • “And
& • and
& • and
It’s • “It’s
& • and
& • and
& • and
& • and
radiator. • radiator.”