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Add to My CitationsTo Elisha Bliss, Jr.
3 November 1876 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, postal card: CU-MARK, UCCL 13586)
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Nov. 3d

Please call at my house first chance you can possibly get. I think I can show you where we can catch the Canadians effectually. I think I have a full English copyright on Sawyer, & we can make a test case of it.



I was going to stop at your office, li but Bret is coming & I have to go & cart him home.


us postal card.
write the address on this side—the message on the other

E. Bliss Jr, Esq

Am. Pub. Co.

284 Asylum st


[no postmark visible]

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MS, postal card, CU-MARK.

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The MS was tipped into the front of volume 20 (Tom Sawyer Abroad and Tom Sawyer, Detective and Other Stories etc. etc.) of the American Publishing Company’s Autograph Edition of Mark Twain’s Works, “limited to Five Hundred and Twelve Copies, of which this is No. 88.” This document and ten others pasted into other volumes of the same set of books originally came from the American Publishing Company archives in 1899, the year of publication. The set was offered for sale by Bonhams, 25 July 2013, lot 3269, and purchased by CU-MARK.