Oct. 4./81.
Dear Osgood—
The P. P. advertisement suits yours truly. Now as to that £75, we must talk about that when you come Thursday. You see, Tauchnitz has always bought & paid for my books, like a man & a baron, & it ain’t going to be equilateraterally quadrangular to sell to another continental dam publisher without first giving him a competitive chance.
Ys Truly
S L Clemens
Am very much obliged for the trouble that has been taken with the “Day Dreams of a Schoolmaster,” but let her go, now. Mrs. Clemens knows nothing about literary processes: I told her, in the beginning, that James Freeman Clark invented that imaginary book, for a mere fleeting purpose; but no, she would not believe ‸me‸. I knew, dam well, there wasn’t any such book.