February 1877 • Unknown place
(Paraphrase and transcript: Cincinnati Gazette, 27 February 1877, UCCL 13532)
The steamer Mark Twain is now running from Helena to the [cut-off], forty-five miles above that point, on the St. Francis River.1 As soon as the stage of the river will permit, she will proceed to the Sunk Lands regions on the upper St. Francis River.2 Her [namesake], whose proper name is Samuel L. Clemens, recently sent the boat his photo and his autograph. In a private letter to Capt. Randall, Mark says: “There has been good luck in the name these ten years. Let us hope it will continue.”
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Emendations and textual notes:
cut-off • cut- | off
namesake • namesame