15 December? 1877 • Hartford, Conn.
(Chicago Tribune, 6 January 1878, UCCL 13079)
I am tied to the treadmill, hand [&] foot, hard at work, on what seems an interminable book, so I must not think of lecturing,1—though I assure you that I would be considerably gladder to have talked for the Veterans than for any other institution in the country, if I were still on the lecturing war path.2
Yours truly,
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
The Chicago Tribune of 6 January 1878 published this letter with the following
introduction: Mark Twain Won’t Lecture The Union Veteran Club, through its Lecture Committee, recently wrote to
Mark Twain to induce him to come to Chicago and give a lecture before the
Association for the benefit of its relief fund. The following is his reply. The Chicago Union Veteran Club was formally constituted on 13 December 1876, and by the spring of 1878 its membership had grown to over three hundred and fifty
men. On 17 October 1877 the club appointed a committee to arrange for lectures at
its meetings (Chicago Tribune: “Chicago,” 14 Dec 1876, 2; “Ward Meetings,” 18 Oct
1877, 8; “Gen. Shields,” 12 May 1878, 5).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
“Mark Twain Won’t Come,” Chicago Inter-Ocean, 7 January 1878, 3.
Emendations and textual notes:
& • and
Clemens • Clemens