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Add to My Citations To Ulysses S. Grant
22 April 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(Washington Post, 28 Apr 1902, p. 10, UCCL 12942)
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Hartford, April 22, 1881.

Dear Gen. Grant: I was sorry you had to write your letter on the wing, when you might have been resting in Galveston instead of working. If I had only had wit enough to so mark the back of my letter to you as to call your immediate attention to it.

Your letter to the viceroy has gone at a fortunate time, for it will strengthen his hands at a needed season. I make the following extract from a letter just received by Rev. Mr. [Twichell], from Yung Wing: * * *

This is all the news I [have,] General. It is not official, still I suppose it is trustworthy. I thought I would send it to you, because you may not get our journals in Mexico, or at least may be too busy to examine them [closely.

Truly] yours,

S. L. [Clemens].

Textual Commentary

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Washington Post, 28 April 1902, 10.

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Twichell • Twitchell

have, • ~.

closely. | Truly • closely. Truly

Clemens • CLEMENS