25 August 1868 • Elmira, N.Y.
(Two independent typed transcripts prepared for Albert Bigelow Paine: CU-MARK, UCCL 12727)
Friend Bliss—
I am here, enjoying myself royally. Haven’t any desire to shorten my visit. I am getting acquainted with everybody. Shall be here nearly two weeks yet. My address will be as printed on this envelope.
Staid a day & a half at Beach’s country place. Looked also at his pictures at his Brooklyn residence. He has such a multitude of them that I could not look at all. Therefore, we arranged [that] your artists should go there to his house (No. 66 Columbia [street] (Brooklyn) and select for themselves. Mr. Beach can always be heard from through his brother Alfred, in the Scientific American Office [3d] story World [building].
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Tr1 | Typed transcript prepared for and corrected by Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK |
Tr2 | Typed transcript with carbon copy prepared for Albert Bigelow Paine, CU-MARK |
Previous publication:
None known.
See Paine Transcripts in Description of Provenance.
Emendations, adopted readings, and textual notes:
25. (MTP) • 25. 1868 (Tr1); 25, 1868 [datelines of extant letters in this period so rarely include the year, in any form, that its appearance in both Tr1 and Tr2 is here judged a typist’s addition, not in the MS] (Tr2)
that (Tr1) • hat (Tr2)
street (Brooklyn) and select (Tr1) • street, (Brooklyn) and select [Paine corrected Tr1 by inserting ‘(Brooklyn) and select’; the missing close parenthesis following ‘street’ or ‘street,’ is invariant in both Tr1 and Tr2 and is here deemed an authorial error in the MS] (Tr2)
3d (MTP) • 3d (Tr1, Tr2)
building (Tr1) • Building (Tr2)
[5-em indent] Kind (Tr1) • [¶] Kind (Tr2)
regards (Tr1) • regarda (Tr2)
jolly,— (MTP) • ~,-; - (Tr1); ~.— (Tr2)
Yrs (MTP) • ~ — (Tr1, Tr2)
Sam. L. Clemens (MTP) • Sam L. Clemens. (Tr2); Sam. L. Clemens. [punctuation of this signature is modeled on the signature in a nearby letter, 22 February 1868 to William C. Church] (Tr1)