Hartford, Oct. 10./81.
My Dear Ticknor:
(Forgot to say I expressed the original MS of P & P to you some time ago from Elmira.)
I don’t know whether the enclosed from Webster is to be sent to you, or whether it is only a copy to inform me what he has written you. However, I send it, to make sure.
We are experimenting on a far better method of casting brass dies than that employed in making the others, & we shall know before long whether it is going to succeed or not. If it succeeds, we can trot your work through for you as fast as you can send it: but for the present we should have to use the old method & depend on other people’s furnaces & workmen; & so Webster is very properly afraid of delaying your work & thereby doing you more harm than good.
Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens
If you’ve got lots of time to spare, send Webster your designs & he will cast them in the old way; but don’t, if you haven’t plenty of time, for I don’t want the discomfort & responsibility of delaying you.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
American Art Association catalog, 16 April 1925, lot 28, partial publication; Sotheby’s catalog, 19 June 2003, lot 47, partial publication.
Purchased at the Sotheby’s sale of 19 June 2003 from the collection of Nick Karanovich.