Hartford Oct. 3/82.
Page M. Baker, Esq
Dear Sir:
I didn’t forget you—no, I was trying to save you trouble by shoving the matter onto the publishrer. An editor is too much burdened with work, but I don’t consider that a publisher has any fatigues that anybody is bound to respect. Always bully a publisher; always crowd a publisher; always work a publisher every way you know how. That is my idea about it. And don’t depend on chance publishers here & there. Take one along with you. It is economy in the end.
I am ever so much obliged for the letters & editorial; & I wish to be cordially remembered to our several friends who were so kind to the bald-headed but chaste & godly Osgood & me.
Truly Yours
S. L. Clemens
Cable is coming to see me in a week or ten days.
Page M. Baker, Esq | Editor Times-Democrat | New Orleans | La [return address:] return to s. l. clemens, hartford, conn., if not delivered within 10 days. [postmarked:] hartford conn. oct 4 11am [and] new orleans, la recd. 7 oct