‸Yes, I find no fault with Harley’s darkies.‸
Elmira July 31/82.
My Dear Osgood—
The Kaolatype stands me in, out, up to the present time, [thirty] or forty thousand dollars—the latter figure is nearest, [perhaps]. It has been a pretty uniform expense of $500 a month for 3 years & upwards; [but] there has been a scattering week or so, latterly, when it [has] paid its week’s expenses. So I judge it won’t be much of a [trick] to make her go, now. What will you give me for a fourth, [fifth], or sixth interest? Look in [on] Webster & let him expose his [books] & his business from the beginning. This is the first time I have ever offered any [part] or portion of the thing [for] sale—but there was no way [to] guess out a value before. In [the] first place, I want your [brains]; & after the business has ◊◊en ‸begun‸ to pay a fair & regular profit, [I] want an establishment started [in] Boston. Soon sell you [a] shop-right as not, but would [rather] have you on board as member of the fambly.
Meantime, don’t forget to keep an eye on that Bierstadt [business]—we must be around [in] case anything happens to it.
My hope was, to be able to write 10,000 words a week, [here]. I was sick two or three days, in the beginning, & Jean’s [attack] kept me worried for a [while]; still, I have written my [15,000] words in the week & a [half] that I have been actually [at] work. Hope I can keep [it] up.
MS in the hands of a [copyist], here, would probably be [unsafer] than in the safe of [Adams] Express—so I think [I] will revise this, after a few [days], & ship it to you without having it copied.
All hands well, now.
Ys Truly
S L Clemens
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
Christie’s East, 21 September 1994, lot 54, partial publication; Remember When Auctions, 31 March–5 April 1999, no. 45, lot 3622, partial facsimile and publication; Profiles in History, unknown date, no. 25, lot 112, partial publication; MicroPUL, reel 2.
Emendations and textual notes:
thirty • ◊hirty
perhaps • ◊erhaps
but • ◊ut
has • ◊as
trick • ◊rick
fifth • ◊ifth
on • ◊n
books • ◊ooks
part • ◊art
for • ◊or
to • ◊◊
the • ◊◊e
brains • ◊rains
I • ◊
in • ◊◊
a • ◊
rather • ◊ather
business • ◊usiness
in • ◊◊
here • ◊ere
attack • ◊ttack
while • ◊hile
15,000 • ◊5,000
half • ◊alf
at • ◊t
it • ◊t
copyist • copy-|◊◊t
unsafer • ◊nsafer
Adams • ◊dams
I • ◊
days • ◊ays