per Charles Warren Stoddard
20 December 1873 • London, England
(MS facsimile: Bonhams 1793 catalog, 19 October 2009,
no. 17520, lot 108, UCCL 12436)
Langham Hotel
20 Dec 1873.
Dear Sir
I thank you very much for showing me these specimens of schooling in England and I have taken the liberty of copying a few of them in all their original orthography and punctuation.
I return the books to you by post.
Very Truly Yours
Saml. L. Clemens
To theHon Arthur L. Pelham.
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:Bonhams 1793 catalog, 19 October 2009, no. 17520, lot 108; Bloomsbury Book Auctions catalog, 13 December 1990, lot 187, partial
publication. Newly published on MTPO, 2010.
Provenance:As of November 2009, the manuscript is owned by Jeff Weber Rare Books.
Emendations and textual notes:
farmington avenue, hartford. • [canceled by Stoddard]