John Menzies
25? July 1873 • Edinburgh, Scotland
(MS facsimile: Swann Galleries, 5 February 1998,
no. 1780, lot 243, UCCL 11981)
25? July 1873 • Edinburgh, Scotland
(MS facsimile: Swann Galleries, 5 February 1998,
no. 1780, lot 243, UCCL 11981)
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Veitch’s Hotel.
My Dear Mr. Menzies.
Robert Routledge gave ‸sent‸ me this, but in the hurry of leaving London I thrust it into my pocket with other unread letters & never opened it till now. It is rather late, but still I will bring leave to drop it in the post or leave it myself tomorrow.
Very Truly
Saml. L. Clemens.