Elmira, De Jan. 1.
Friend Hutchings—
I am in a desperate hurry, but I must take time to ask you to pardon me for showing such unmannerly temper the other morning about that synopsis. Those things always make me angry, & the fact that I had sat up until 5 AM talking,—then got up at 7, did not improve my temper. Still, it was shameful in me to intrude such a spirit upon you who had never done me any but the kindest offices—& so I have now [siezed] upon the very first opportunity to apologize—I have had no earlier chance than this.1
Truly Yrs.
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Happy N. Y.’s to you!
[in ink:] Personal. | G. L. Hutchings Esq | Bank—42 Wall st| New York. [return address:] return to j. langdon, [elmira], n. y., if not delivered within 10 days. [postmarked:] elmira n.y. jan 3 [docketed:] Mark Twain | apology
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 685–686.
Provenance:Donated, as part of a collection of 150 letters from the George Long
Hutchings Lecture Club, to CLSU in 1986 by Jeanne Hutchings, widow of George Long
Hutchings’s grandson, Frank Miller Hutchings.
Emendations and textual notes:
siezed • [sic]
elmira • [em]ira [badly inked]