morning express $10 per of the express printing company,
evening express $8 per 14 east swan street,
weekly express $1.50 per annum.buffalo, Sept. 21 18 69.
Mr. Hutchings—
Dear Sir—
I’ll not be able to tell for two or three weeks, yet, what the subject will be—shan’t go to work at it before then. I’ll not have two subjects, though—only one. I have written Medbery not to lecture me for Y. M. C. A. before I talk for the Clayonians. (I have two agents, & by this means I am enabled not to know anything whatever about my own business, with unfailing promptness. I m suppose it is all right.)1
Resignedly Yrs.
G. L. Hutchings Esq
Merc. Nat. Bank
42 Wall [st]
[New York]
[postmark cut away]
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 684–685.
Provenance:Donated, as part of a collection of 150 letters from the George Long
Hutchings Lecture Club, to CLSU in 1986 by Jeanne Hutchings, widow of George Long
Hutchings’s grandson, Frank Miller Hutchings.
Emendations and textual notes:
st • s[t] [torn]
New York • New Yor[] [torn]