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Add to My CitationsTo Franklin G. Whitmore
15 June 1880 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: Boas, UCCL 11814)
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June 15.

My Dear Whitmore:

Your letter is come, & we thank you heartily for that alluring invitation, but we are leaving to-day for New York; & we leave New York [tomorrow] morning at 9.15, in a special sleeping-car, which I hired & have caused to be attached to the train because Mrs. Clemens needs to lie down a good deal, & the children need to spread around for comfort’s sake on so long a trip. We rech reach Elmira at half past 6 p. m.

Everything’s in a state of rush, to-day, preparatory to departure. With warmest regards of all hands to you & Mrs Whitmore & your family, I am

Yrs as Ever

S. L. Clemens


F. G. Whitmore, Esq | Montowese House | Branford | Conn [postmarked:] hartford conn. jun 15 12m

Textual Commentary

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MS facsimile, Norman F. Boas of Seaport Autographs.

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tomorrow • to-|morrow