per Denis E. McCarthy and Telegraph Operator
26 October 1866 • Meadow Lake, Calif.
(Goodman, 2, UCCL 11613)
[california state telegraph company ] } [ to ] J. T. [Goodman, Editor Enterprise]: Our circus is coming. Sound the hewgag. 1 |
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Mark Twain Coming.—“Mark Twain,” who
stands at the head of American humorists, is dignifiedly wending his
way toward Virginia, as will be seen by the following characteristic
dispatch: ... The “circus” alluded to is
“Mark’s” lecture on the Sandwich
Islands—a stupendously amusing affair, if we are to
credit the California journals. “Mac.,” which
follows the signature of the lecturer, represents our old confrere, D. E. McCarthy, who, we take it, is
preceding Mark in his journeyings and making the crooked paths
straight. Of course the whole of Virginia will turn out to see Sam.
Clemens and his “show” when he makes his
appearance here. P. S.—Since the foregoing was written
Mark Twain and D. E. McCarthy have arrived. (Goodman, 2) On 30 October the Enterprise first announced that
Clemens would lecture in Virginia City the following evening, adding the
comment, “We expect to see the very mountains shake with a
tempest of applause” (“Mark Twain,” 3;
“Arrival,” Meadow Lake Weekly
Sun, 27 Oct 66, 3; Gudde, 62; L1, 361–62; Doten, 2:900; SLC 1866 [MT02361], 1866
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 681–682; Salt Lake City Union
Vedette, 3 Nov 66, 2.
Emendations and textual notes:
california . . . company • [not in]
Meadow Lake • Meadow Lake
186 6. • 1866.
Via Cisco • Via Cisco
to • To
Goodman, Editor Enterprise • Goodman, Editor Enterprise
Mark Twain {Mac.} • Mark Twain [Mac.]