Hannibal, May 15, 1881.1
C. L. Lamb, Esq
Dear Sir—I sincerely regret that engagements of an imperative nature put it out of my power to accept the invitation of the Missouri State Medical Association for the 17th inst. I would peculiarly enjoy ‸like‸ being present at this banquet, because I feel that with such an opportunity, & backed by ◊ due encouragement, I could say some things which might be instructive & useful to an organization like yours. You have had a larger experience than I have enjoyed, in the matter of giving medicine, & therefore I would ‸not‸ try to tell you anything of value in that line; but I know more about taking it than all of you put together, I judge. I could [give] you some points there. And I could taper off with a very handsome compliment to you, too; for it was your [noble] & beneficent profession that first taught me the divine truth that it is more blessed to give than receive.
Consequently, my regret is not cold & [formal], but fervid & sincere. With many thanks to yourself & the Medical Association for the compliment of your invitation, I
I am, dear sir,
Dear Sir
Yours Truly
S. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 2.
In the possession of George J. Houlé in 1988.
Emendations and textual notes:
give • give give [corrected miswriting]
noble • noble noble [corrected miswriting]
formal • form formal [corrected miswriting]