A. Reeves Jackson
25 September 1869 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(Transcript of inscription in The Innocents Abroad,
L. H. S. Robson to Unidentified, 12 March 1935
[UCLC 49203], CtHMTH, UCCL 11419)
25 September 1869 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(Transcript of inscription in The Innocents Abroad,
L. H. S. Robson to Unidentified, 12 March 1935
[UCLC 49203], CtHMTH, UCCL 11419)
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A. Reeves Jackson,
the imperturbable “Doctor” mentioned in this volume and one of the most companionable Pilgrims that graced this well-nigh graceless excursion.
From his friend and Comrade
Mark Twain
Buffalo, Sept 25, 1869