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Add to My Citations To Clara L. Clemens
8 June 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS facsimile, inscription in The Stolen White Elephant, Etc.: Christie’s, 1–2 February 1988, lot 430, UCCL 10639)
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Clara Langdon Clemens



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⟦This is the first copy of a book which is not yet published, but will issue from the press June 10th, two days after the birthday.⟧

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Hartford, June 8, 1882.

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MS facsimile, inscription in SLC 1882, Christie’s catalog, 1–2 February 1988, Part III, lot 430.

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Heritage Book Shop, April 1998, item 110, facsimile and transcript; MicroPUL, reel 2.


The inscribed book was part of the Estelle Doheny Collection (CCamarSJ) sold by Christie’s in 1988 and purchased by E. Joseph, Bookseller; the book was again offered for sale by Heritage Book Shop in 1998.