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Add to My Citations To Karl Gerhardt and Hattie J. Gerhardt
25 January and 6 February 1883 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: CLjC, UCCL 10134)
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Wrote you the other day & directed to 18 rue de l’Abbé de l’Epeé.

Jan 25/83.

My Dear Karl & Josephine

I’m in a desperate hurry, y so you must forgive me if I cut this note mighty briefly—I have to do my entire correspondence myself, now, my short hand writer being sick.

Briefly, then: we think there can be no doubt what ever about the Italian project—it is a sound thing to do.

Briefly, also—give me 6 or 8 weeks’ notice in which to fix up & forward your next letter of credit—don’t forget this, for heaps of things drive such matters out of my head, & I have to have time in which to recal them again.

Madam don’t know I’m writing, but she sends her love with mine, of course—sends it every day across the ocean on the viewless currents of the air, indeed.

Sincerely Yrs


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P. S. I guess I’ll send a letter of credit tomorrow, to make sure. But next time, keep me reminded.em spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceem spaceS L C


P. P. S.—Feb. 6. Didn’t do it. Got sick. Been sick ever since. Am up, again today. Letter of credit is ordered today.


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