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Add to My Citations To W. H. Lentz
19? September 1881 • Elmira, N.Y.
(Transcript and paraphrase: Frear 1947, p. 123, quoting the Honolulu Saturday Press of 8 October 1881, UCCL 09393)
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The Press notes that the “Dream” “was for years supposed to have been written by Mark Twain. Mr. Lentz, of the Volcano House, sometime since wrote to the noted humorist, to ascertain if he were the real author and received an answer stating he was not. The letter concludes as follows: ‘Therefore observe you this, and keep it in mind; none genuine without the signature on the bottle. Yours truly, Mark Twain.’ ”

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Transcript and paraphrase, Frear 1947, 123, quoting the Honolulu Saturday Press of 8 October 1881. The film edition of the Press for 8 October 1881 examined by the editors did not contain this letter.