1–4 September 1878 • Ouchy, Switzerland
(MS facsimile: sales catalog, AAA/Anderson Galleries, 29–30 January 1936, lot 115, UCCL 09278)
Rev. Robert Eden with the kindest remembrances of the author (i.e., th inventor) of this book:
Samℓ. L. Clemens
This is my latest & most innocent work.
S. L. C.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:AAA/Anderson Galleries catalog, 29–30 January 1936, lot 115, transcript; MicroPUL, reel 1.
Provenance:According to the catalog, laid in the notebook is “an autograph statement by Alan O’Claughton”:
“This note book was given to Rev. Robert Eden (English chaplain at Lausanne in 80’s) by Clements who had been
staying at the same hotel as my late Mother-in-law (Mrs. Morse) and the family. Rev. R. Eden and the Morses were intimate friends and
he gave it to Mrs. Morse on her leaving for home. [¶] I was told Clements handed the little book to
Eden with a grave expression on his face, referred to their happy meeting and trusted he would take the little token of friendship.
Eden received it with all due solemnity and murmured thanks—till he examined his gift. Alan
O’Claughton.” Most of the Clemens items offered for sale in this catalog were from the collection of Irving S.