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Add to My Citations To James R. Osgood
25 March 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: Wolcott, UCCL 09117)
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Dear Osgood—

Good; you stop over here & we will decide as to whether we will giv offer the Elephant to Century or not. Howells has it by this time—I sent it to him per Adams Express Thursday.

The letter-head will be all right & satisfactory when it is trimmed up & reduced in size.

Mem. Wasn’t it to contain the number of Clark’s PO. Box? I think so. And I think the line ought to read, “Letters con for the Editorial Department should be addressed to Mr. Clark, Lock Box —.” (In small type.)

That will clinch his & confirm his authority, & may also keep some of the folks from pestering Howells & me with letters.

Ys Truly

S L Clemens

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MS, collection of Willa J. Wolcott.

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MicroPUL, reel 2.