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Add to My Citations To Charles L. Webster
17 September 1882 • Elmira, N.Y.
(MS: CU-MARK, UCCL 08728)
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My dear Mr Clemens

I have just seen Mr C. J. Langdon. He says that you have not rec’d your vest chain I sent it by the “U. S. Express” on the very day I rec’d your favor. We have the Express receipt Allow me to congratulate you upon the convalescence of your little daughter. Hoping that you may find time to visit the manuf’g depts of this Establishment, when next in this City, I remain

Yours very truly

H. K. Green

I shall immediately investigate the non arrival of your chain, at this end of the route. Will you please mention the fact of my forwarding the chain, at the Elmira Office. There [my] P. S. is longer than my letter

Elmira, Sep. 17.

If Mr. Green inquires, tell him the Express folks here sometimes do not send packages to the address marked on them, but wait serenely for them to be called for—which was the case in this instance. However, I do not grumble, for I got the watch chain at last, some 13 hours quicker than I could have got it by the canal.

Ys Truly

Sam. L. Clemens

U. S. Exp. Co., N. Y.

Textual Commentary

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MS, on H. K. Green to SLC, 15? September 1882, CU-MARK, UCLC 31777.

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MicroML, reel 1.


See Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.

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