Hartford Mch 20/84.
My Dear Osgood—
I received the $5,000, added a like amount & paid off that old endorsement (total loss, shan’t get back a cent of it—& shan’t play with endorsements any more for pastime.) I have ‸no‸ further present pressure; so I don’t doubt that the acceptances will answer every purpose.
Yes, do fix that prize business; & apply crucial tests to any individual who claims to have sold 400 copies. Privately, I don’t believe any ind[i]vidual did sell that many, but of course I don’t know. As to that 900-claim—well, you can be very sure that that requires a rigid scrutiny; & you can be about as sure, too, that it won’t survive that scrutiny.
Publicly, I’m confined to the house with rheumatism; but under the holy seal of secrecy I reveal to you that it is gout. I suppose this comes of high living when I was a boy—corn-dodgers & catfish.
Ys Truly