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Add to My Citations To William Dean Howells
4 November 1883 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, in pencil: MH-H, UCCL 02854)
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My Dear Howells—

I telegraphed last night “Come Wednesday” because Mrs. Clemens has a menagerie on her hands from now till Tuesday evening—the preparation & achievement of a big lunch party of old ladies to meet her mother.

Raymond strenuously objects to my terms, thus far, but I have no others to offer him. Meantime I have instructed Webster to look sharp for the right actor, & when he thinks he has found him, I will go to New York & see him play. You better watch & inquire—we might strike the right man there.

Raymond is to play the old play in New York after Xmas. So he thinks—but doubtless I’ll spring quite a disorganiz[i]ng surprise on him before that.

Yrs Ever


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MS, in pencil, MH-H.

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MTHL, 1:447–48.


see Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.