j. langdon, miner & dealer in anthracite &
bituminous coal office no. 6 baldwin street
elmira, n.y. Sept 3, 1868
H. M. Crane, EsqDr Sir—
Your favor of Aug. 28 is just to hand. In reply, I must can say that I am willing to lecture, but I cannot tell just yet what the subject would be—either “Venice” or “California,” I think. You may set me down for some day in January, if you will—& let me know the date. As to terms, I only want your usual price—what is it? ‸My usual price is $100.‸ 1 My address, for the next 3 weeks, will be “1312 Chesnut street, St Louis, Mo.”
Yrs Truly
Sam. L. Clemens
(Mark Twain.)
C. M. Crane, Esq2 | Care Lincoln Literary Society | Rondout | New York. [postmarked:] elmira n.y. sep 5 [postage stamp removed] [return address] return to j. langdon, |elmira, n. y., |if not delivered within 10 days. [docketed:] Sept 1868 | Twain | Ansd 8th was marked for Jan 63 [and]
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 246–247.
Provenance:see Bassett Collection, p. 511.