San F. June 7.
Dear Folks—
A son of Parson Brownlow of Tennessee, introduced himself to me today (he is a Captain in the Regular army)1 & in the course of conversation mentioned Fentress County, & said he had been there & was connected to with the Emigration Society of which Gen. Thomas is head—& he said don’t sell the land, because if Grant is elected the land will be very valuable as soon as the R.R.s are finished.2
I only write this to cheer you somewhat in case you have failed to sell—though I hope you have sold, even though it be for a mere song.
Capt. B. says, let Orion write letters to the Knoxwville Whig (of which his brother John is editor,)3 mentioning my name, & inquiring about Tennesseee land, & so get up an interest in it—which is all very well, but is bosh. Bother the land.
I shall be start east July i st.
Yrs aff.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 219–220.
Provenance:see Moffett Collection, p. 516.