12? September 1861 • Carson City, Nev. Terr.
(MS, damage emended: NPV, UCCL 02715)
. . . .
well, although I believe I never had the [ pleasure of her ]acquaintance,) and left for [ California the same day; ] and I told him plainly that I [ did not believe ] it, and wouldn’t, if he [ w swore ]it—[ for I didn’t, Mollie ], and did[n’t] think Billy could be [ as stupid as ] that. On the contrary, I thought he [ was the most ] talented boy that Keokuk had [ ever produced ]. But when I got back, Orion confirmed Billy’s statement—so, you see, I am forced to believe that—(that they are both liars.) If I [ ever ‸were to‸ ] marry, I [ should ] would certainly stay at home a week, even if the Devil were in town with a writ for my arrest.1
Why don’t Ma and Pamela write? Please kiss Jennie for me2——
(P. S.—And tell her when she is fifteen years old, I will kiss her myself——)
(P. S.—If she is good-looking.)
P. S.—Don’t get “huffy.”
P. S.—Write.
Sam. L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 123–124.
Provenance:See McKinney Family Papers, pp. 459–61.
{graphic group: 1 horizontal squiggle inline overlay}
Emendations and textual notes:
pleasure of her • ple[ ] |her [torn]
California the same day; • California [ ] |day; [Although the available space would also permit ‘the next’, external evidence rules out ‘next’ and supports at least the sense of ‘the same’; see p. 123, n. 1.]
did not believe • did [n ] |lieve [torn]
w swore • [‘s’ over ‘w’]
for I didn’t, Mollie • fo[ ] |Mollie [torn]
as stupid as • as [] |as [torn]
was the most • w[a ] |most [torn]
ever produced • ever [p] |duced [torn]
ever ‸were to‸ • [‘were’ inserted over ‘ever’ and ‘to’ interlined]
should would • [‘would’ over ‘should’]