Hartford Feb 2/84.
My Dear Howells:
I have just answered Cable’s telegram. When Cable gets well, a couple of weeks gets well, & the house calms down again out of its perfectly unspeakable & inconceivable present state, I can take up & consider business once more—say from one to two weeks hence.
Mallory spoke to me last night, & I put him off—it was between the acts—I had taken Livy to the theatre to give her a change of fatigues. He proposed to pester me between all the acts, but I disburdened him of that inspiration.
I’ve got to see Mallory’s proposed actor play before talking any business about the farce,—so there is no sort of use in reading the MS to Mallory yet.
In a mighty hurry
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MTHL, 2:466–67.
See Howells Letters in Description of Provenance.