To Chatto and Windus
10 June 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, with holograph changes: NN-BGC, UCCL 02563)
10 June 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, with holograph changes: NN-BGC, UCCL 02563)
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hartford conn. june 10th. 1882.
dear sirs:—
will you please send me tom hood’s annual for 1873 [1874 and 1875?]
yours truly,
s. l. clemens.
[letter docketed in pencil:] 110 High St | [rule]
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
MS, typewritten, with holograph changes, NN-BGC. The unidentified person who wrote the words “110 High St” also drew a vertical slash down the entire page. The meaning of the note is unknown; it may not be a docket.
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 2.
The MS was part of the Berg Collection given by Dr. Albert A. Berg to NN in 1940.
Emendations and textual notes:
1874 and 1875? • [cancellation handwritten]