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Add to My Citations To Charles L. Webster
16 April 1883 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, from dictation: NPV, UCCL 02370)
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hartford, [aprill] 16th. 1883.

dear charlie:—

all right, i hope the rest will do as well as you are [doing.

don’t] forget to send the monthly money regularly to keokuk.

i spoke to mr. perkins last night about our insurance. he says our house &c is insured for about $70,000., and that the various companies are in the hands of ralph gillette here, who will see that the insurance does not lapse. but you may as well make a note of the fact that ralph gillette is the man.

your aunt liva sits up a good deal these days, but i do not think her progress toward health amounts to much.

yours truly,

s. l. clemens.

Textual Commentary

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MS, typewritten, from dictation, Jean Webster McKinney Family Papers, Special Collections, NPV.

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MicroPUL, reel 2.


see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.

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doing. [] Don’t[no extra space between paragraphs, here and hereafter]