Hartford Apl 6/83
Dear Mrs. Cox—
If you will let me, at this shamelefully remote day, I wish to thank you wi‸th‸ll all my sincerity for the beautiful portrait of the good old Mammy, the lovely & lovable black face, heart of gold in ebony casket. Her benignity broods from these walls like the spirit of a blessing, & we that have her daily & nightly company are the better for her presence.
George W. partially defeated himself night before last by not making a good selection of reading matter;—he but he swept that all away by a splendid triumph yesterday morning—read Parson Jones, & carried his house by storm. He will read that & some other good selections to-night before a company at Charley Warner’s & will score another triumph, & go forth from Hartford with banners flying & drums beating, an acknowledged conqueror. Whithersoever he goes, now, he will record a victory every time; he will know what to do & how to do it, from this out; & he won’t make any more mistakes. He had to learn his lesson; & by good luck it was ordered that he should learn it among friends & not among enemies or the indifferent.
Mrs. Clemens & I beg to offer out warm greetings to you & Mrs. Cable; & I wish to send my love to Nellie.
Sincerely Yours
S. L. Clemens
Geo. W. Cable, Esq | 229 – 8th st. | New Orleans | La [rule] | For Mrs. F. A. Cox. | [rule] [return address:] return to s. l. clemens, hartford, conn., if not delivered within 10 days. [postmarked:] hartford conn apr 6 83 6 pm