The board need be no thicker than this one which you sent.
But its pin-holes must be a trifle bigger than the pin, so that the pin will slip in easily.
The board must be backed by a similar board (but without holes,) & between the two boards must be a layer of soft felt, half an inch thick.
Thus, each playing-board is a pin-cushion. The pin slips in quickly & easily; it buries full half of its length in the felting, & you don’t knock it out when you insert the next pin. [boxed: ‸Add this to the patent.‸]
Apply this idea to a new experiment-board, Charley.
On the board, put ‸neither‸ the ‸ name of each ‸the‸ king, but not ‸nor‸ the number of years. This is surely best—for the king’s name alone tells three or four big facts.
S L C.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 2.
see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.