Jan 27/83.
Dear Charley—
I think that the carved board is going to be just the thing.
Next, I have this idea: to paint the white marble (which immediately surrounds the hall fire-place) ‸(see diagram)‸ the same strong red of the hall walls, & then cover it with Mr. De Forest’s thin arabesque-cut brass sheets, which will let the red show through. Ask Mr. De Forest if that can be done—& if some sort of beading will suffice to hold the brass sheets in their place? And can he send me the sheets to experiment with, so that I can see if the idea will do. And get the price. Of course I shan’t cut or injure the brass in my experimenting.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MTBus, 209.
see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.