Dear Osgood—
I shipped all but “8th batch” to you last night. Went to my copyist’s house this morning to see what was the delay, & found she is laid up with the persistent enemy of this book, scarlet fever.
But they said my MS ‸(8th batch)‸ had been removed from her room & disinfected with [carbollicks] acid as soon as the disease was determined. So I brought it away & expressed it to you. Enclosed find express receipt. Maybe you had better give it another good disinfecting before you meddle with it, or let your children get hold of it.
Will you [tell‸ephone‸] Fairchild ‸that‸ we are in quarantine, & say I am going to write & thank him for his invitation as soon as I get over the exhaustion of this ten days’ revising & correcting?
Truly Yrs