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Add to My Citations To Milicent Shinn
27 October 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, from dictation: CU-MARK, UCCL 02296)
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hartford conn. oct. 27th. 1882.

dear miss shinn,

delegated work is seldom thoroughly done. if i had written you myself i should have been better understood. for i should have made it plain that it is not simply the book that is in my way but many other things. one of these will cover the ground; i am under contract for a number of miscellaneous articles; i seldom write one; never write one except upon impulse; and when it is written it is no longer my property if i consider it worth printing. it must be applied upon the contract. i have no option in the matter. however i am less in debt, morally, than any of the rest of the tribe; for i handed the manuscript of “the [innocence] abroad” to bret harte and told him to take such matter out of it as he pleased for the overland free of charge. i do not remember whether he used any of the matter or not, but he had abundant opportunity in as much as the book was not published until about two years later.

sincerely yours,

s. l. clemens.

Textual Commentary

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MS, typewritten, from dictation, CU-MARK.

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MicroML, reel 4.


See Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.

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