To George Washington Cable
5 October 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, from dictation: LNT, UCCL 02286)
5 October 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, from dictation: LNT, UCCL 02286)
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hartford conn. oct. 5th. 1882.
my dear cable,
did you get my note written in the century office? i want you to choose your own date and come; we are ready for you now any time. give us several days if you can without detriment to your work. change of scene and people may be even a help to your work. if you can stay the longer by coming now, come now; but if you can stay the longer by coming later, come later.
yours sincerely,
s. l. clemens.
Source text(s):
MS, typewritten, from dictation, George Washington Cable Papers, Louisiana Research Collection, Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, LNT.
Previous publication:
Cardwell 1953, 84; MicroPUL, reel 2.
The Cable Papers were acquired in 1944 and after from Mary Cable Dennis and others.