editorial department the century magazine union square new york
Friday, ◊ 3.15 PM
My Dear Cable—
I’ve rushed in here, with 2 30 minutes to spare before rushing for the Hartford train—but I’ve missed you. Arrived yesterday evening with my whole tribe & 2 cats, from the summer vacation. Shall reach Hartford this evening. A week hence, we shall be all straightened up, there; & then we shall be glad & willing & anxious to see you on any date thereafter—you to name it & give us notice & we will go to your train & fetch you. Be sure you come.
I must rush, now, or I shan’t get my tribe ready for the [◊] train.
Sincer[e]ly Yours
S L Clemens
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
Cardwell 1953, 84; MicroPUL, reel 2.
The Cable Papers were acquired in 1944 and after from Mary Cable Dennis and others.
Emendations and textual notes:
◊ • [partly formed]