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Add to My Citations To Joseph H. Twichell
19 September 1882 • Elmira, N.Y.
(MS: CtY-BR, UCCL 02271)
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Elmira, Sept. 19.

Dear Joe—

I honestly meant to write & thank you for your superb letter from Europe, but I was simply compelled to deny myself all such satisfactions, & religiously save up every little wayward & vagrant suggestion of intellectual activity & hurry to apply it to work before it weakened & died. Never was book written under such heavy circumstances. I am full of malaria, my [brain] is stuffy & cloudy nearly all the time. Some days I have been five hours writing two [note-paper] pages.

I must quit, now. My head is in a chaotic [whirl. We] all send love & welcome home to you & Julia; & the same to Harmony.

Ever Yrs


Textual Commentary

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS, Joseph H. Twichell Collection, CtY-BR.

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MicroPUL, reel 2.


Twichell's papers were passed on to his children. Although CtY received some items in 1951 from Joseph H. Twichell and Mrs. Charles Ives, his son and daughter, the main collection was donated in 1967 by Charles P. Twichell, his grandson.

glyphglyphEmendations and textual notes:glyph

brain • br brain [corrected miswriting]

note-paper • note- | paper

whirl. We • ~.— | ~