Elmira, July 24
Dear Charley—
Yes, I received & banked both of those checks—& then forgot it.
Damn that Bliss statement, I forgot to return it to you—I wish you had sent me only a copy. I have left the blamed thing in my portfolio of business letters under the table in the billiard room at home. If you shall find you need it, write George Griffin, “(with S L. Clemens”) & he will find it in the pocket marked “K.”
I was not intending to take Pamela’s Watch stock—that is, I didn’t want to take it. It is located too far from home, for one thing.
We all stood the trip first rate. Jean has been having a hard & somewhat dangerous teething time, but is doing first-rate, now.
Orion is quiet again. It is a waste of time to bother about him & his performances.
Ys Truly
S L Clemens
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
See McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.