Elmira, July 16/82.
E. R. Holden, Esq
Dear Sir:
I & my family wish to thank you after a limitless fashion for your good offices in our behalf. Mr. Reasoner furnished us a new sleeping car which [◊] was the perfection of comfort & cleanliness. (I wore a white Irish-linen suit all day, & did not smut it.) Although the day was hot, the traveling was so pleasant that the journey seemed a shade too short. I think it would be a most religious & beneficent idea if the railway companies would build a lot of short saloon cars with 2 or 3 state-rooms & a parlor, for the use of families or small private parties of summer tourists. All the other possible conveniences & luxuries having now been contrived & adopted by the railways, maybe this ‸one‸ will be tried in due time. Of course I much prefer the long car; but there are many people who are not nearly so long as I am, & they would naturally feel more compact & concentrated in a short one.
Truly Yours
S. L. Clemens
P. S. By an oversight
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
MicroPUL, reel 2.
See Huntington Library in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
◊ • [partly formed]