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Add to My Citations To Caleb F. Davis
8 July 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten and MS: IaKS, UCCL 02233)
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hartford conn. july 8th 1882.

dear judge:—

i have been a long time about it, but we have had scarlet fever in the house ever since i reached home, consequently my correspondence has been considerably neglected. i have written a scrap and i will refer you for further particulars, to ed brownell and [all paterson], with the fullest confidence. i observe only one error in all paterson’s statement; that is in regard to the dog; the impression conveyed, is that the dog tied behind our wagon, was our dog. this is a mistake. with this exception the statement is historically correct.

with the kindest regards to yourself and the other hospitable ones whom i met that night, i am

truly yours,

s. l. clemens


Elsewhere in this volume appears a statement, by Mr. Jo. Patterson, that when I first began to write & lecture, the greatest surprise to my immediate friends & relatives was my familiar quotations from the Bible, as I “was never known to read that book.” Since that old day I have reformed, & have ceased from sinning: therefore it is but right that I should now come out & make contrite & humble confession that, under the inspiration of the devil, I did manufacture a lot of bogus Biblical “quotations” & play them off on the Patterson & the others, knowing that they would not be able to detect the swindle. But long since, I have repented of it, bitterly, most bitterly.

Mark Twain

Textual Commentary

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MS, typewritten and MS, IaKS.

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McDermott 1968, 197–98, partial publication; MicroPUL, reel 2.

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all paterson[sic]