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Add to My Citations To Frank Fuller
5 July 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, from dictation: WU-MU, UCCL 02231)
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hartford conn. july 5th. 1882.

my dear fuller:—

we have scarlet fever patients to take care of, and the house will be under strict quarantine for several weeks yet. nobody sick now but the baby, and she is doing pretty well, but will not be allowed outside the nursery for a couple of weeks. we do our own sick-nursing, and cannot go junketing even if we wanted to. in the present circumstances i hav[e]n’t any literary inspiration. with love to you both and hearty thanks for the offered hospitality, i am

sincerely yours

s. l. clemens.

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MS, typewritten, from dictation WU-MU.

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