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Add to My Citations To Karl Gerhardt and Hattie J. Gerhardt
23 March 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS, typewritten, from dictation: CLjC, UCCL 02179)
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hartford conn. 23d. 1882.

dear mr. & mrs gerhardt:—

you see i am writing that way again. the fact is, i write so much plainer with the type-writer, than i can with the pen, that i expect every-body to applaud me for making the change. as soon as you get used to the type-writer you will be offended when people write you in any other way. i am trying to forget how to write the old hand, because the new is so much prettier. let karl send to my london publishers, chatto & windus, piccadilly, london for that greek and roman mythology. they will send the book, and charge it to me. karl can send this letter to them as authority, if he is afraid they won’t send the book other-wise. or he can order it from them, and send them the money himself; though they will not charge so much for it, if i am to do the paying. it is very gratifying indeed, to hear of karl’s triumph and his professors praises. i hope you captured the pretty atelier, which mrs. hattie has [discovered.

mean-time], mrs. clemens is fired with interest in mrs. hattie’s cluny picture. mrs clemens thinks the cluny is the most fascinating place on the earth, and those old chimney pieces, and [ccabinets] the quaintest, and prettiest, and most fascinating things in the cluny. she wants that picture. karl must take those private lessons. i have said this several times already, but it is worth repeating once more. there is one thing which i want to impress upon your mind, and which you must attend to before you forget it; that is, thank mr. porter for his letter to me, and say i shall take great pleasure in answering it, by and by. but at present, i have to let many of my letters go unanswered, because i am busy, and am also preparing for a lengthy journey. i am very glad to hear that he is so well pleased, and is making such satisfactory progress. mrs. clemens, and i have high hopes of him. all our tribe are still sick. i suppose they are beginning to enjoy it by this time, as they are pretty well used to it. susie has the chicken-pox. with ever so much love from us both,

sincerely yours,

s. l. clemens.

Textual Commentary

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MS, typewritten, from dictation, CLjC. The missing month “March” was added and circled above the date in the hand of Karl Gerhardt sometime after receipt of this letter.

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Christie’s auction catalog, 21–22 February 1989, Doheny V, lot 1773, partial publication; MicroPUL, reel 2; Sotheby’s auction catalog, 17 June 2010, no. 8698, lot 490A, paraphrase.


The MS was part of the Estelle Doheny Collection (CCamarSJ) sold by Christie’s in 1989; in 1990 it belonged to John Feldman; sometime thereafter it was purchased for the Mark Twain Collection of the James M. Copley Library (CLjC) which was sold by Sotheby’s in 2010.

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discovered. [¶] meantime[space added to indicate new unindented paragraph; no extra space between paragraphs in MS, here and hereafter]
