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Add to My Citations To John Russell Young
3 February 1882 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: DLC, UCCL 02156)
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Hartford Feb. 3/82.

My Dear Young—

Your beautiful volumes came, & I am most sincerely obliged. I wish I had two new books to send you in return; but as I haven’t, I send one now, & will send another next year.

The Tribune mentioned me less than me only 5 times in the 2½ months; & in the 5 mentions didn’t say anything that could annoy me or justify me in retaliating——so of course I have had to pigeon-hole my [notes. I] didn’t destroy them; it would not be wise nor [far-sighted] to do that.

I am expecting every day to run down to New York, but we have had company, & besides House is quite sick. He has not been out of bed for 4 days. I don’t think he will be up for some days yet.

Yours Sincerely

S. L. Clemens

Textual Commentary

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS, John Russell Young Papers, DLC.

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MicroPUL, reel 2.


Donated by Young’s third wife, May Dow Davids Young, their son, Gordon Russell Young, and Dorothy Mills Young, 1924-1967.

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notes. I • ~.— | ~

far-sighted • far- | sighted