To W. H. Lentz
22 November 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(Honolulu Saturday Press, 21 January 1882, UCCL 02096)
22 November 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(Honolulu Saturday Press, 21 January 1882, UCCL 02096)
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[Dear Sir:]—I have received the Honolulu paper; [&] after reading half of that dream, I recognize the fact that I did write it, after all. I had totally forgotten it. It is a worthless piece of rubbish. I must have been pretty young then,—or sick or something. Please either tear it out of your record book or paste this letter in to keep it company [&] testify my opinion of the performance.
Yours truly,
Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Honolulu Saturday Press, 21 January 1882, 2.
Previous publication:
Thrum 1896, 83, partial publication; MTH, 124.
Emendations and textual notes:
Hartford, • Hartford,
Dear Sir: • Dear Sir:
& • and
& • and
Clemens. • Clemens.