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Add to My Citations To Edward H. House
21 November 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: ViU, UCCL 02095)
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Hartford Nov. 21/81

My Dear House—

When I was writing you, care of Osgood, day before yesterday, I hadn’t yet seen the Atlantic; but it came yesterday, & the madam & I were entirely & completely delighted with your article. We remarked upon the felicity & exactness of the language & the flowing smoothness of the style, & never once detected a scar from Aldrich’s butcher-knife. Neither will any one else detect them, I judge; & yet it was a great pity he meddled; for your MS can never be emended by another hand so well as by your own. But the most astonishing thing is that no proof was sent to you; that is a thing which I never heard of before. It seems to me that Aldrich’s action was most singular & unusual, all through.

We are mighty glad to hear you will not sail before the middle of January; for that makes the visit here next to absolutely certain. I have just been down stairs, & the work is progressing so steadily that I am sure we shall have possession of the essential parts of the house by the middle of Decoember—& I do hope, before that.

I begin to shiver, now, for the 25th Nov. is mighty close at hand—& then Osgood & I shove for Canada. I was in New York 2 hours the other day, but was so crowded with business I didn’t try to hunt you up—& didn’t suppose you were there anyhow.

Yrs Ever



[letter docketed by House:] Clemens Nov 21/ 1881

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MS, Clifton Waller Barrett Library, Alderman Library, ViU.

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MicroPUL, reel 2.


The Edward Howard House Collection was deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 24 October 1961.