To L. P. Hubbard
16 November 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(New York Tribune, 23 December 1881, UCCL 02089)
16 November 1881 • Hartford, Conn.
(New York Tribune, 23 December 1881, UCCL 02089)
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[Dear Sir:] Having already accepted an invitation to a dinner in celebration of the 261st anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims, I am forced to decline the present one from sheer lack of storage room. And I do it with the sincerest regret, [&] also with some degree of rancor against the Pilgrims because they did not split up [&] land on different days; for if they knew anything at all, they must have known that they were getting up an anniversary, [&] that to cramp it rigidly down to a single date would be an inconvenience to people [by-&-by].
With many thanks for the compliment of the committee’s [invitation,]
I am truly yours,